Google+ Communities for Real Estate Agents

What if searching for prospective homebuyers was as easy as typing those words into a Google search? Google+ allows you to do that and more. The social network of Google+ is a great tool to use for expanding your company and is quickly catching on around the world. By establishing yourself on this social media… Continue reading Google+ Communities for Real Estate Agents

Google+ Now Shows Your Friends’ +1’s in Your Stream

Following May’s total makeover of Google+, Google+ is rolling out a new feature that will highlight posts your friends like. Now, in your Google+ stream you’ll occasionally see posts +1’d by people in your circles, and people in your circles will occasionally see posts you’ve +1’d. Similar to the way Facebook incorporates posts your friends like into… Continue reading Google+ Now Shows Your Friends’ +1’s in Your Stream

Back to the Social Future [COMIC]

Every time I hear a press announcement these days I get a sense of déjà vu, as if I’ve heard the news before. Maybe that’s because heralded features like hashtags on Facebook and video support on Instagram were expected for a long time. Or maybe it’s because all these new features are pretty old and… Continue reading Back to the Social Future [COMIC]

REPORT: Google+ Could Overtake Facebook by 2016

Could you imagine any social network growing bigger than Facebook? Probably not, but few people were ready to predict MySpace’s downfall, either. While Facebook might not be going down per say, a new report by Searchmetrics analyzing over 30 trillion social signals suggests that Google+ could overtake Facebook in total sharing as early as 2016! This… Continue reading REPORT: Google+ Could Overtake Facebook by 2016

5 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

It should come as no surprise that, by dishing out compelling, educational and inspiring content on your social networks, you will attract an audience. People will like, comment and share your content. If you are on Twitter, they will retweet, reply and favorite your tweets. However, if you are engaging with others on your social… Continue reading 5 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media Profiles