What if Real Life Was More Like Sports? [COMIC]

Everybody around the world loves sports, whether it’s watching them, playing them or talking about them. And we all have a favorite sport to watch and a favorite team to cheer for. So why isn’t real life more like sports? Thanks to College Humor, we can see what it would be like:

Commemorate 9/11 With This Coupon for a Discount Game of Golf in Wisconsin

Well, this is unfortunate. A golf club in Verona, Wisconsin, is advertising discount games of golf to “commemorate” the September 11 terrorist attacks, according to Matthew Keys at The Desk. The ad reads, 12TH ANNIVERSARY OF 9-11: To Commemorate this we are offering 9 holes with car for only $9.11 per person or 18 holes… Continue reading Commemorate 9/11 With This Coupon for a Discount Game of Golf in Wisconsin