In June, Facebook introduced clickable hashtags into its posts. Though some seemed to laugh at the idea, advising Facebook to leave the hashtags to Twitter, the move signaled Facebook was beginning to compete with other social networks as a source of news and trending topics. With all this hype around the success of the Facebook… Continue reading Do Hashtags Increase Viral Reach on Facebook? [REPORT]
Tag: edgerank
Facebook Myth Demystified: Asking For Likes is Not Penalized
Have you heard the rumor that Facebook penalizes people for asking for likes? You’ve probably seen these calls to action before, called Like baiting. Here’s an example: Please, please, please click LIKE this if you’re having a great day! One way marketers have been able to increase their Facebook EdgeRank (or whatever you want to call… Continue reading Facebook Myth Demystified: Asking For Likes is Not Penalized
For the First Time, Facebook Reveals News Feed Algorithms and Announces ‘Story Bumping’
Facebook is infamously difficult to use as a marketing platform for brands. Given the network’s secrecy around its News Feed algorithms, it’s been hard, if not impossible, for brands to determine best practices for reach their follower base. Today, for the first time, Facebook revealed some of the factors used to score posts in the… Continue reading For the First Time, Facebook Reveals News Feed Algorithms and Announces ‘Story Bumping’