Baman and Piderman Make the Show on Kickstarter

Are you a fan of Batman and Spider-Man? Well you ought to love BAMAN PIDERMAN: MAKE DA SHOW! taking storm on Kickstarter. The series is a goofy animated series starring the two superhero bestfriends created by Lindsay and Alex Small-Butera who blew past their funding with weeks to go in hopes of making the last… Continue reading Baman and Piderman Make the Show on Kickstarter

How to Safely Surf the Web [COMIC]

Are you worried about hackers online these days? Unless you’re using infinitely long passwords, many of your financial and social accounts may be at risk. But don’t worry, there are a few things you can do to stay safe. For example, instead of piling up a bunch of virtual bitcoins, you could convert them into… Continue reading How to Safely Surf the Web [COMIC]

10 Wearable Technologies of the Future [COMIC]

While some fear the future of wearable technology, many look forward to the potential of GPS-enabled socks and more. But is it possible that one day our smartwatches may be smarter than us? Wouldn’t Candy Crush be much better if it was actually edible? Comic by Willa’s World Cartoons