Support Our New Web Comic and the Fight Against Social Media Injustice

Do you find yourself staring at Facebook or Twitter all the time? Just because you’re using social media, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being social… Even worse, those sites your browser likes to call home might not be as friendly as you think. What if social networks and tech companies actually told you the truth? While… Continue reading Support Our New Web Comic and the Fight Against Social Media Injustice

Are You on the Government’s List?

Remember that night you were watching Breaking Bad and just had to know the recipe for making meth? Or how you once cleverly wrote your last trip to Bombay was “the bomb?” These searches have probably won you a place on the big list, along with everyone else ever. Recently we’ve revealed to you seven… Continue reading Are You on the Government’s List?

How to Remove Yourself from Google Search

Have you ever wanted to delete something said about you online? Now you can get rid of any obscure or inaccurate information about yourself, but you may have to kick in a few more details to Google in the process… Is there anything you would like to have permanently forgotten on the Web? Comic by… Continue reading How to Remove Yourself from Google Search

Is LinkedIn Creepy?

LinkedIn recently introduced a new feature that ranks your profile by views among your connections. So now you can see “Who’s viewed your profile” and how often you get checked out relative to your peers on the site. While it may be useful to know about potential job suitors, do you feel too embarrassed to… Continue reading Is LinkedIn Creepy?

Stuck in Neutral on the Information Superhighway

In a split decision last week, the FCC voted to move forward with its net neutrality proposal. While the proposal doesn’t permit internet service providers (ISPs) to slow down service, the wording leaves room for ISPs to guarantee faster traffic for those who pay more. For some, the two are essentially the same: they still… Continue reading Stuck in Neutral on the Information Superhighway

The 4 Slowest Sites You Use Each Day

They say that Google factors pagespeed heavily into its search and ranking algorithm, but apparently these best practices don’t apply to its own network of sites. Is it just me or does cruising Google Drive feel more like Driving Miss Daisy? Also, I don’t doubt Facebook’s technology prowess, but the pages are becoming more novel-like… Continue reading The 4 Slowest Sites You Use Each Day