25 Facts about Climate Change that Will Shock You [VIDEO]

It’s no secret that climate change is persistent and intensifying, causing serious problems for planet Earth and its inhabitants. Its effects range from mild, like February being the first colder than average month in almost three decades, to harsh, like an increase in the number of hurricanes and destructive storms. List25 has collected 25 alarming… Continue reading 25 Facts about Climate Change that Will Shock You [VIDEO]

Katie Couric Is Making the Newsroom Interactive for Her First Interview as Yahoo News Global Anchor

Katie Couric introduced herself this morning as the global anchor for Yahoo News, and she wants you to join her on her journey. Besides launching her new Tumblr, Couric announced the subject of her next interview and asked readers to help her build something new. On Friday, March 14, Couric will interview former New York… Continue reading Katie Couric Is Making the Newsroom Interactive for Her First Interview as Yahoo News Global Anchor

The Climate Change Winter Games

With the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics starting on Friday, there is much to be excited about. Some of the hot topics this year include why it’s so hot or cold out (climate change, that is) along with the issue of gay rights in Russia. In response, we’ve seen a number of brand new games introduced… Continue reading The Climate Change Winter Games