This Futuristic Building Design in Dubai Looks Like It’s Floating in Air

Check out the new layout planned for the Opus Office Tower in Dubai, a 21-story unit unlike any you’ve seen before. The futuristic architecture looks like a hollowed out cube floating in air. The structure is connected by an almost hidden base with a walkway up top connecting the two sides. The multi-purpose building is… Continue reading This Futuristic Building Design in Dubai Looks Like It’s Floating in Air

14 Classic Renaissance Paintings Turned into Ridiculous GIFs

Citizens of the interwebs: what if you took classic paintings of the Renaissance and turned them into the ridiculous GIFs of the modern era that we know and love today? We present you the artwork of Scorpion Dagger, a Montreal-based blogger who posts one insane GIF per day, often portraying older paintings with a decidedly… Continue reading 14 Classic Renaissance Paintings Turned into Ridiculous GIFs

Better Out Than In: Banksy Street Art Takes Over NYC, Artist Sells Thousands’ Worth for $60 in Central Park

Have you seen the hilarious artwork of the infamous street artist Banksy yet? Banksy is an anonymous graffiti maestro from the UK currently documenting his “residency” on the streets of New York, called Better Out Than In. Each day, he uploads pictures of a new work to his Instagram account, including clues to its location.… Continue reading Better Out Than In: Banksy Street Art Takes Over NYC, Artist Sells Thousands’ Worth for $60 in Central Park

Striking Abstract Portraits that Eerily Express Human Emotions

Is a face still a face if its parts are obscured by masks of swirling colors? In his signature style of abstract portraits, South Korean painter KwangHo Shin uses color and curves to express human feelings. Though little more than a set of eyes is visible in each of his portraits, Shin is able to… Continue reading Striking Abstract Portraits that Eerily Express Human Emotions

How Could Our ‘Curse’ Be So Beautiful?

Our favorite childhood toy; the pair of shoes we won’t throw away; our first kiss: these moments and things have meant everything to us for as long as we can remember, but we don’t know exactly why. Though we use these random encounters and objects to construct our stories, each of us can perceive the… Continue reading How Could Our ‘Curse’ Be So Beautiful?

15 Vintage Black and White Photographs of Airships

Since its inception in the 1850s, we have always been fascinated with lighter-than-air flight or balloons with steering and propulsion capabilities. Like many early flight and other aeronautical experiments, however, the trial-and-error period was hazardous and lasted awhile. These blimps (powered balloons) and dirigibles (including internal support structures) were filled with floating gases like hydrogen… Continue reading 15 Vintage Black and White Photographs of Airships

A T-Shirt for Tricking Facebook’s Facial Recognition

Want to keep Facebook from recognizing your face? Graphic designer Simone C. Niquille designed a shirt that distracts Facebook’s facial recognition software. Covered with images of celebrity look-alikes, the RealFace Glamoflage shirts pull the facial recognition software’s attention away from their wearers’ faces. Niquille launched the clever shirts as part of her bizarre masters thesis in graphic design.

The Science of Stage Fright and How to Overcome It

Palms sweaty, heart racing, too panicked to even breathe? No, you aren’t being stalked by some monster (or Dexter): you’re about to speak in public! While some would claim public speaking is a fate “worse than death,” public speaking might actually feel worse than death: at least you won’t feel stage fright in death! If… Continue reading The Science of Stage Fright and How to Overcome It