The Ultimate Place to Spend Time on the Internet

What is the internet for if not to dazzle our eyes and numb our minds with happy colors and fun user interfaces? By these standards, fill this up .com is the ultimate place to spend time on the internet. fill this is a new digital art piece by Dutch-Brazilian visual artist Rafaël Rozendaal. On… Continue reading The Ultimate Place to Spend Time on the Internet

What if You Could Actually Touch Things at the Museum?

We all know museums are very cold and you’re not supposed to actually touch anything. But what if you could? Does your favorite museum have a gift shop? Depending on the artists featured, it might be a little more like a gag store and not as fortunate as you think. Imagine how infinitely long it… Continue reading What if You Could Actually Touch Things at the Museum?

Wanna Make Your Own Film? Sign Up for Next Week’s Free Webcast on Low-Budget Filmmaking

Today, making a high quality film doesn’t always involve a big dollars budget. As the cost of professional-grade filmmaking tools goes down it’s becoming easier for independent artists to make films their own way. For aspiring filmmakers working on low (or no) budget, Adobe is hosting a panel with three successful low-budget filmmakers and livestreaming… Continue reading Wanna Make Your Own Film? Sign Up for Next Week’s Free Webcast on Low-Budget Filmmaking

Tell Your Story to the World With #TwitterFiction

We all have a story to tell, we just usually don’t tell it on Twitter given the 140-character constraint per Tweet. Yet Twitter is one of the most effective communication tools that exists today. To support writers, Twitter has again partnered with the Association of American Publishers and Penguin Random House to bring us the… Continue reading Tell Your Story to the World With #TwitterFiction

How to Beat Every Game You Bought This Year [COMIC]

Are you stuck trying to conquer a new video game you received over the holidays? Whether you’re playing an old addictive classic like Super Mario Brothers or a new Xbox One game with friends online, here’s how to crush any of this candy for good. That’s right: this year, fulfill that final New Year’s resolution… Continue reading How to Beat Every Game You Bought This Year [COMIC]

Ancient Egyptian Gods Meet Modern Superheroes

Growing up, I loved reading about Egyptian and Greek mythology, and I would scribble away for hours drawing and redrawing these timeless figures. Unfortunately, though, the days of Zeus ruling over Mount Olympus or Ra over the sun have come to an end. The gods of ancient times been replaced by the gods of modern… Continue reading Ancient Egyptian Gods Meet Modern Superheroes

What Inspires You to Write?

Creative inspiration comes in many forms. For some writers it takes the right ambient tunes, while for others certain phases of the moon influence them most. Some of us need need a room with a view or plenty of natural light to shine, but others do just fine with a few pieces of paper, a… Continue reading What Inspires You to Write?

14 Inspirational Typography Posters to Help You ‘Create Something’ Awesome

Many say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I don’t believe this to be entirely true. If you can find a way to create something original or useful in this world, well, that is a beautiful thing in itself. Here at DashBurst we try to highlight the most interesting news and… Continue reading 14 Inspirational Typography Posters to Help You ‘Create Something’ Awesome