Artist Turns Pop Singers and Rappers Into Famous Cartoon Characters

What if you could transform your favorite singers and rappers into famous cartoon characters? German artist Zhi-Yun Zhang helps us imagine what they would look like with his art collection CARTOON x POP. Zhang creates hybrids between famous singers like Drake, Kanye West and Miley Cyrus and famous cartoon characters from The Simpsons, Looney Tunes,… Continue reading Artist Turns Pop Singers and Rappers Into Famous Cartoon Characters

Stunning Portraits with Animals

Russian portrait photographer Katerina Plotnikova has taken some amazing nature shots of women with various animals. What’s even more incredible is that the photographs were not edited by Photoshop. These beautiful women really were close up and personal with exotic animals! Inspired by fantasy and fairy tales, Plotnikova has an amazing talent for making her… Continue reading Stunning Portraits with Animals

Humorous Real Life Adventures of Miniature Characters from Star Wars

The Star Wars saga has a lot of hardcore fans that constantly create new artistic tributes to the film series. Meet Malaysian photographer Zahir Batin who makes another addition to these cult classics with this collection of adorable and funny, miniature, never-seen-before scenes from the movies acted out on our planet instead. Whether your an… Continue reading Humorous Real Life Adventures of Miniature Characters from Star Wars

How to Make an XXXXL Infographic in Real Life

Have you noticed a lot of infographics online these days? In an effort to rise above the competition and bring more authenticity to data visualization, Belguim-based graphic design agency Coming Soon decided to construct some real-life XXXXL infographics 30 meters in length! Created for the therapeutic nanobodies company Ablynx‘s annual report, the “graphics” use 750… Continue reading How to Make an XXXXL Infographic in Real Life

What Small Objects Think When You Forget Them on the Street

When was the last time you thought about, or even noticed, trash or misplaced items on the street? Probably a long time ago. Just because these objects aren’t on our minds, though, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. In her Little Lost Project, graphic design student Yoonjin “Zoonzin” Lee gives a voice to small found objects.… Continue reading What Small Objects Think When You Forget Them on the Street

Anamorphic Sculptures That Only Reveal Themselves in Their Reflections

Mirror anamorphosis in art, the process of creating a distorted image which can only be properly seen in a curved or angled reflective surface, is a technique that has been utilized since the mid-17th century. Even so, to see this technique in action is fascinating. Award-winning artist Jonty Hurwitz takes a very mathematical approach to his… Continue reading Anamorphic Sculptures That Only Reveal Themselves in Their Reflections

‘Walking Disney’: If Disney Met The Walking Dead

Disney movies are timeless classics. The Walking Dead TV show capitalizes on the popularity of the zombie apocalypse. Have you ever considered combining the two? Would the Disney princesses fight zombies or hunger for human flesh? These questions may not have occurred to you, but they have occupied the mind of artist Kasami-Sensei. The series… Continue reading ‘Walking Disney’: If Disney Met The Walking Dead

Watch This Father Adorably Singing to His Unborn Child as It Grows in the Womb [TIMELAPSE VIDEO]

During his wife Giovanna’s pregnancy, McFly guitarist Tom Fletcher couldn’t just sit around and wait for the baby to come. So, like the musician he is, Fletcher spent nine months made a music video for his baby featuring a stop-motion style timelapse video of his wife’s growing belly and Fletcher singing a song written just… Continue reading Watch This Father Adorably Singing to His Unborn Child as It Grows in the Womb [TIMELAPSE VIDEO]