The DashBurst Blog

What if NFL Logos Were Actually Hipsters?

Are you a fan of Kissing Suzy Kolber? No, not when Joe Namath was caught drunk on TV trying to kiss reporter Suzy Kolber during a sideline interview, but rather the comic devoted to funny things about football. If your squad hasn’t been to the Bowl for a while (like my hometown, five-time NFL Champions the Steelers), at least you appear to be enjoying the offseason in style.

No matter which team you root for, you can find its representative hipster logo below. Whether you’re chilling in the Windy City or cooling out in Buffalo, Super Bowls are just too mainstream for you to be bothered with anyway.

“Yeah, I used to go to the Super Bowl a lot, back when it was interesting. It sold out, man, I’m not going back,” says the Buffalo Bills mascot.

“Land is too mainstream” – the Miami Dolphin.

Images by David Rappoccio