14 Funny Xbox One Comics, Parodies and GIFs

office space guy

xbox OneXbox gamers waited with baited-breath for the big reveal at Microsoft’s Tuesday announcement, however what was actually revealed immediately stirred some geeks into a frenzy. See Microsoft only demoed a fraction of the promised 15 exclusive titles and then dropped the bomb that the Xbox One will not be backwards compatible with any of those predecessor Xbox 360 games you already own! Nor can you borrow or lend out games amongst your friends. Beyond some extra processing power, the only real advancement some critics are claiming is the ability to now watch live television, but then again, why would you drop about $500 to watch TV on your TV?

Microsoft has been full of jokes recently with their don’t get Scroogled by Google campaign and even recently sticking it to Apple’s iPad in favor of their Windows 8 tablets, so we thought we’d turn the tables on them for a minute and round up the funniest new Xbox parodies going viral on the web, all right here for your viewing pleasure!

office space guyvia 9gag


They’ve Basically Invented Something That Already Exists

download (2)

No One Was Actually Cheering During the Xbox Reveal

xbox tweets
one jaw dropped

HAL 1000

play without kinect

Gordon Ramsay’s Take on the Xbox One

xbox chef

Meanwhile at Microsoft…

meanwhile at microsoft

Gamers Are Never Satisfied

Gamers Are Never Satisfied

Your All in One Box Fails

no previous gen games

Xbox One Used Game Blocking Console Wash

xbox wash

Rest in Peace Xbox

xbox realityvia memebase
xbox one announcementvia offlinecomic

Xbox One: What They Tell Us vs. What We’ll Get

xbox onevia dorkly
So what do you think about the new Xbox One?

Daniel Zeevi

By Daniel Zeevi

Daniel is a social network architect, web developer, infographic designer, writer, speaker and founder of DashBurst. Full-time futurist and part-time content curator, always on the hunt for disruptive new technology, creative art and web humor.

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