Facebook is reportedly testing out a new video feature for Instagram, its photo sharing service, that will be similar to Twitter’s Vine. According to Mathew Keys from The Desk, the new service is being tested out internally, and would allow a user to upload anywhere between 5 to 10 seconds of video from their mobile device to Instagram and essentially Facebook. What’s not clear is when this new app could be rolled out, if ever, to the 100 million active users on Instagram, or if Instagram’s hip filters would be applicable too.
This move makes sense for Facebook who is surely looking to venture out into the video market cornered by Vine and potentially one day YouTube. Vine allows users to upload six second looping videos with audio, which they can share to Twitter, Facebook and other social networks. Vine is said to be the “Instagram of video” but those day may be numbered now.
Do you think a potential 10 second video feature via Facebook would untangle Vine for good?
I think it’s a no brainer, Vine although popular is still relatively unknown to perhaps 80-90% of facebook users.