How the Klout Score is Calculated

A lot of people complain about the lack of transparency and inaccuracy of Klout because they have no idea how the Klout score is calculated. In Klout’s defense, Klout has dramatically improved its transparency. Klout now shows your past interactions from your social networks that contribute to your score. As with most things in life… Continue reading How the Klout Score is Calculated

The 7 Risks of Social Media

We know that the benefits of using social media are profound. Through social networking, many businesses have grown, and individual users have blossomed many great friendships and found support when needed. Social media can be a huge blessing. However, at the same time, if you are not careful with how you use it, social media… Continue reading The 7 Risks of Social Media

5 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

It should come as no surprise that, by dishing out compelling, educational and inspiring content on your social networks, you will attract an audience. People will like, comment and share your content. If you are on Twitter, they will retweet, reply and favorite your tweets. However, if you are engaging with others on your social… Continue reading 5 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

How to Become Influential Online

The Truth About Social Media Influence Before social media became so prevalent, a person could keep his online and offline lives separate. But not any more.  Today what you do on your social networks—the  kind of content you dish out, the type of people who respond to it—spills out into your offline life. Because you… Continue reading How to Become Influential Online

The Ultimate Guide to Klout

What is Klout? Klout, established in December 2008, measures your social media activities by using analytics tools. The purpose of the San Francisco-based company is to score the influence of any individual through his or her social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Foursquare and even Klout itself. An individual’s score is calculated everyday from… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Klout