The DashBurst Blog

Vinelodeon: The Vintage Hand-Cranked Vine Video Player

Vine is a short six-second video sharing site that is often the source of a few very funny and charming videos that replay over and over. But the thing is you have to be on a computer or mobile device to actually stay in the loop and be able to watch these videos, until now. Much like the Giphoscope which lets you watch GIFs on the go, the Vinelodeon is a hand-cranked device that lets you watch, fast-forward and rewind your favorite Vine videos in real life! The Vinelodeon comes from the design agency Social Print Studio, makers of the Printstagram and Slow Message tool which allows you to draft an email today and send it out in the future like electronic snail mail. The company seems to have some issues with the rate of our digital consumption and is looking to slow things down a bit making our interaction with social media a little more intimate like those cinemagraphs that allow you to capture and relive every moment.

via The Creators Project