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Rob Ford Gets All Confused about Daylight Savings Time on Twitter

Toronto mayor Rob Ford has grabbed the attention of the news again, this time with a pretty innocent social media flub. He mistakenly advised his 133,000 Twitter followers to turn the clocks back for Daylight Savings Time. Whoops!

Eventually Ford deleted the tweet and posted a corrected one, but people had already grabbed screenshots as proof of the mistake. It seems that this poor guy has some sort of PR curse following him, especially since admitting that he’s smoked crack cocaine. To be fair, though, Ford did lose his social media manager and special assistant this past Friday according to Now Toronto.

Regardless, reactions on Twitter were merciless.

Oh well, Rob. I guess you live and you learn. At least Ford can say that this isn’t the biggest blunder he’s ever made in his life!

Photo by Shaun Merritt
via the Lost Angeles Times