Rob Ford Gets All Confused about Daylight Savings Time on Twitter

Toronto mayor Rob Ford has grabbed the attention of the news again, this time with a pretty innocent social media flub. He mistakenly advised his 133,000 Twitter followers to turn the clocks back for Daylight Savings Time. Whoops! In case you missed it. @tomayorford 's time change tweet. — Althia Raj (@althiaraj) March 9,… Continue reading Rob Ford Gets All Confused about Daylight Savings Time on Twitter

Melting Pot Music: ‘The Trip’ by Dexter

What would happen if you took the sound of 60’s psychedelic rock and meshed it with modern hip hop? A hippie revolt, and it would probably sound a lot like The Trip by Dexter, an album that draws the younger generation in with some pretty ill beats while delivering an equally acidic taste of the… Continue reading Melting Pot Music: ‘The Trip’ by Dexter

5 Reasons You Are More Creative at Night

I’ve been blogging for a few months and I’ve started to notice an astounding pattern emerge. I happen to write some of my most creative and entertaining pieces in the wee hours of the night. I’ve always been somewhat of a night owl, but could there be something more to it? 1. Peace and Silence… Continue reading 5 Reasons You Are More Creative at Night