Why Saving Daylight Time Is Useless [COMIC]

Are you a programmer, tech entrepreneur or worse both? Timing on your projects can be critical, so keep in mind that daylight saving time comes to an end on Sunday. This means you are rolling your clocks back and giving yourself an extra hour of light (or sleep if you need it). Come to think… Continue reading Why Saving Daylight Time Is Useless [COMIC]

Here Comes the Sun: Alan Freidman Photographs Our Closest Star With a Traffic Camera

“Our dynamic sun is never the same two days,” Alan Friedman says. “There is always something new to observe and photograph.” Shot from a backyard in Buffalo, New York, Alan’s photos reveal the roiling activity of our closest star. In many photos, bursts of gas shoot off the sun’s surface. In another photograph, the silhouette… Continue reading Here Comes the Sun: Alan Freidman Photographs Our Closest Star With a Traffic Camera