The Future of Wearable Technology [COMIC]

The dawn of wearable technology is upon us, featuring everything from smartwatches to Google Glass. But as you can imagine, the next wave of digital wearables may hit a little closer to home, like a wall ornament that could simulate your mother’s disapproval of any frivolous activities. Or consider all the marketing opportunities that could… Continue reading The Future of Wearable Technology [COMIC]

Holding the Door for Someone, Illustrated

As you walk into any establishment, holding the door for your predecessors right behind you is often a polite thing to do. But at what point do you move beyond the “thank you” stage into officially loitering? Can you be too polite? Have you ever held a door for someone for an uncomfortably long amount… Continue reading Holding the Door for Someone, Illustrated

The Anatomy of Music Festivals [COMIC]

It doesn’t matter if you went to see Woodstock back in the 60s or the Coachella music festival last year, most festival campsites have similar sights and sounds. At a typical show, you’re sure to find that guy walking around with a guitar and a few drunk teenagers are bound to stumble into your path.… Continue reading The Anatomy of Music Festivals [COMIC]

Dancing for the NSA [COMIC]

Rumor has it that anyone who searches the web looking for privacy-enhancing apps is sure to be targeted by the NSA. In fact, if you tend to read a lot of tech stories, you’re probably already on the list. So how can you keep the big brother from learning too much about your real story?… Continue reading Dancing for the NSA [COMIC]

Research Vs. Google [COMIC]

Google has changed the way we research information. What used to require a lengthy trip to the library or the scouring of public records now involves no more than a simple search on Google. But what do you do in those instances when even Mother Google doesn’t know what you’re looking for? Do you ever… Continue reading Research Vs. Google [COMIC]