6 Ways To Irritate A Journalist Or Blogger And Blow Your Chance At Big Time Exposure

The rules of search engine optimization are changing — dramatically. Google’s most recent algorithm update, Penguin 2.0, put the nail in the coffin for many websites that haven’t been preparing for the new search landscape. Now, more than ever before, winning in search is about earning links and mentions. It’s about being noteworthy, relevant, and… Continue reading 6 Ways To Irritate A Journalist Or Blogger And Blow Your Chance At Big Time Exposure

10 Trademarks of a Lazy Blogger

Are you getting tired of posting to your blog or touting articles to your friends on social media? After you do anything long enough, you’ll become too familiar with your work and start to develop bad habits. If you’ve been blogging for awhile, for example, you might find yourself looking to cut a few corners… Continue reading 10 Trademarks of a Lazy Blogger

10 Common Ways You Distort Your Career

We’ve all heard that the internet—and social media especially—have led to procrastination. It just keeps getting easier to waste time each and every day. And, even worse, the advent of Klout and other ways to measure online influence have given rise to this new breed of hyperactive social networkers and self-proclaimed marketers who, despite posting… Continue reading 10 Common Ways You Distort Your Career