The DashBurst Blog

First You Used LinkedIn to Find a Job – Now Use It to Find Love

So you signed up for LinkedIn, built your professional network and maybe even found a job. Now it’s time to focus on your love life. Using the LinkedUp! app, you can.

LinkedUp! is a match-making service for LinkedIn users. Much like the way Tinder pulls information from your Facebook profile, LinkedUp! builds your profile using information from your LinkedIn account. On LinkedUp! you can filter potential matches by age, proximity and gender and then anonymously “like” or “pass” on a user’s profile. Similarly to Tinder, on LinkedUp! if two users like each other’s profile, they can chat with one another. But because LinkedUp! users sign in using LinkedIn, this new app boasts two bonuses: more professionally oriented users and the knowledge of what industry a match works in.

This is the first dating app to solely use LinkedIn as its source of user information. That’s because Max Fischer, the 28-year old founder, believes that people using the business-oriented social network to create their profiles will yield more successful matches. He says LinkedUp! is not encouraging office romances, but rather connects people with common backgrounds and similar industries.

Although the app has only been available since March, it has already shown some success and has gained traction in places like New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. It seems there is new potential to find love in the future through LinkedIn!

LinkedUp! is currently only available on iOS devices. You can download the app on the Apple App Store:

via Wall Street Journal