Following their update that allows you to attach rich media like photos and videos to your profile, LinkedIn now allows you to add rich media to your posts. Have an interesting presentation to share, or a photo of a company gathering? These can now go out to your LinkedIn connections directly from your posts.
You can attach all kinds of rich media, including e-books:
You can even have fun with the new feature by attaching photo-quotes, like this one:
The feature will roll out globally over the next few weeks. When the feature arrives for you, simply click on the paperclip at the right side of your share box on the LinkedIn home page and upload a file that visually enhances what you have to say, much like you already do on Facebook. To attach a video or another type of rich media already hosted by another site simply paste the URL into the share box and LinkedIn will take care of the rest.
LinkedIn has also enabled 2.9 million Company Page admins to upload images and files. Find out more by flipping through LinkedIn’s SlideShare presentation:
What media will you add to your LinkedIn posts when the feature arrives?