After a disappointing end to his third NBA season and a long summer ahead, Quincy Pondexter decided to go directly from the court to courtship. Apparently in 2013, chivalry is still alive and well via Twitter. And being in Memphis, where better for him to start his quest for love than Tennessee?
Who won Miss Tennessee this year?
— Quincy Pondexter (@QuincyPondexter) May 29, 2013
Well Quincy, it turns out that would be Chandler Lawson:
It didn’t take long for Quincy’s motivation’s to get discovered:
Now that season is over I need 2 find a gf “@chrisvernonshow: Offseason…RT @quincypondexterWho won Miss Tennessee this year?”
— Quincy Pondexter (@QuincyPondexter) May 29, 2013
Almost feeling sorry for the guy, Chris Vernon — host of the midday show on 92.9 FM ESPN in Memphis, offered to set up a dating show for the swingman. Pondexter instantly agreed and things started to get out of hand fast until Miss Tennessee stepped in.
@quincypondexter hi! Heard you were looking for me? #gogrizz
— Chandler Lawson (@MissTN2012) May 29, 2013
Pondexter quickly looked to step up his game:
Yup!! single? Lol “@misstn2012: @quincypondexter hi! Heard you were looking for me? #gogrizz”
— Quincy Pondexter (@QuincyPondexter) May 29, 2013
Lawson and others took their shots:
“@jon_roser: Man there is nothing funnier than @quincypondexter mackin on @misstn2012 on twitter” I’m lovin’ it! And yes, totally single!
— Chandler Lawson (@MissTN2012) May 29, 2013
Game point:
Oh totally single? Ditto … Date? Lol @misstn2012
— Quincy Pondexter (@QuincyPondexter) May 29, 2013
@quincypondexter you got it! We’ve got an audience waiting apparently!
— Chandler Lawson (@MissTN2012) May 29, 2013
And you’re probably thinking well sure he’s a 6-foot-6 pro athlete pulling in $2.2 million next year, this would never happen to an average Joe, right? Well, apparently he’s not the only one on Twitter with a bit of swag, meet this scrawny little college freshman, Spike Albrecht, long shot looking to holler at another model Kate Upton:
“@KateUpton hey saw you at the game last night, thanks for coming out! Hope to see you again”
Yayyy @lucyaragon @david_upton_…
— Kate Upton (@KateUpton) April 9, 2013
But what do Pondexter’s teammates and boys think about his prospects?
“@chrisvernonshow: @mconley11 chances (scale 1-10) that @quincypondexter gets a second date w/ Miss Tenn?”(3)
— Mike Conley (@mconley11) May 30, 2013
Ouch that’s harsh, but good luck!