The DashBurst Blog

Snapchat On a Roll: Number of Daily Snaps Surpasses Facebook Photo Uploads

Snapchat, the self-destructing photo and video messaging service for mobile devices, seems to be steadily increasing in traction. The company now processes 400 million snaps (videos or messages sent over Snapchat) per day, according to CNET, much higher than the 350 million photo uploads Facebook sees every day. Is Snapchat on track to be the next social networking giant?

Granted, Snapchat’s 400 million daily snaps may account for not only a combined number of photos and videos sent but may also be inflated by snaps sent to multiple people. Still, 400 million daily snaps is impressive: in fact, it shows that Snapchat traffic has doubled in just fourth months. The company was processing 200 million daily snaps at the end of June when it announced it had expanded its team. For a company that took almost two years to see 200 million daily snaps, traction seems to be growing at an extremely fast rate!

Snapchat’s impressive growth rate might be one reason it turned down Facebook’s recent $3 billion offer.

So will Snapchat eventually replace Facebook? Probably not. Like the disappearing nature of snaps, people’s interest in Snapchat is bound to be fleeting. But Snapchat’s recent success shows that people love an app that does one thing and does one thing well, no intrusive ads involved! Now all we need is an extension like Rather to block unwanted and annoying selfies from arriving in our Snapchat inbox.