The DashBurst Blog

Black Friday Chaos, Tis the Season to be Tasered

The Holiday season is upon us once again. A time of joy, giving, and love. The air is full of kindness, just be careful of the taser. American shoppers never disappoint on Black Friday. Many will go to great lengths to get that last heavily discounted flat screen television, with displays of generosity to our fellow man.

Here’s what went down yesterday in the latest chapter of Black Friday chaos.

A stun gun was apparently used during an argument as two female shoppers went at it in Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. The misunderstanding took place after midnight early Friday morning at Franklin Mills mall.

Thankfully, this holiday spirit was caught on video for all of us to enjoy. Pass the eggnog.

Elsewhere, a 23-year-old north New Jersey man was welcomed with pepper spray and arrested after an argument with another shopper and Walmart manager over a television in Garfield. Richard Ramos was charged with aggravated assault of a police officer, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

At a Chicago Kohl’s, Police shot a man after an alleged shoplifting incident. The suspect was found driving a car that was dragging an office after the two had scuffled. The officer was dragged quite a distance, but fortunately only suffered a shoulder injury. Santa Claus is coming to town.

Finally, two Virginia men were arrested after one allegedly stabbed another over a parking space. Ah, the gift of giving. Listen, nobody wants to walk further than they have to in the cold weather. Silent night, holy night.

You can’t make this stuff up. Merry Christmas and Happy Thanksgivukkah. Enjoy the holiday season.

via USA Today and comic by The Joy of Tech