Apple’s New iOS 7 Is Here: The 18 Best Reactions on Social Media

iOS7 the new Android

ios7Unless you’re living on Mars, you’ve probably heard that iOS 7 has been released. Have you upgraded to the new iOS yet?

While you may still be waiting through the epic download time, find out what the rest of the world has to say about Apple’s new mobile operating system, from design considerations to how it’s affecting their lives:

iOS 7 Download Time


iOS 7 vs. Life


iOS 7 Design

iOS 7 comic

Apple design

Your turn: what do you think about the iOS 7?

Daniel Zeevi

By Daniel Zeevi

Daniel is a social network architect, web developer, infographic designer, writer, speaker and founder of DashBurst. Full-time futurist and part-time content curator, always on the hunt for disruptive new technology, creative art and web humor.


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