The Anatomy of Music Festivals [COMIC]

It doesn’t matter if you went to see Woodstock back in the 60s or the Coachella music festival last year, most festival campsites have similar sights and sounds. At a typical show, you’re sure to find that guy walking around with a guitar and a few drunk teenagers are bound to stumble into your path.… Continue reading The Anatomy of Music Festivals [COMIC]

Germany’s 7-1 World Cup Defeat of Brazil Sets New Record on Twitter

If you didn’t watch the Germany vs. Brazil World Cup game, you missed one of the most impressive offensive displays and a game full of record setting. Germany, who won 7-1, set a record with five goals in the first 29 minutes of the World Cup semi-final match half. In addition, four of Germany’s goals… Continue reading Germany’s 7-1 World Cup Defeat of Brazil Sets New Record on Twitter

How Do Facebook Users Across the Globe Express “Soccer” and “Goal”? [MAP]

In the world of the World Cup, soccer fans and sportscasters yelling “goal” is no strange thing. But does “goal” make sense in the world’s many languages? A data analytics team from AllFacebook took a look at the social network to determine how users across the globe express the words “soccer” and “goal” on Facebook.… Continue reading How Do Facebook Users Across the Globe Express “Soccer” and “Goal”? [MAP]

See How the World’s Fastest Camera Can See You Around Corners

Researchers in the UK are developing the fastest camera ever made that can capture images at the speed of light. Using laser technology, the camera can see around corners by measuring the scattered light cast from objects hidden from its view. Lasers from the camera then bounce of surfaces to navigate around corners and are… Continue reading See How the World’s Fastest Camera Can See You Around Corners

Dancing for the NSA [COMIC]

Rumor has it that anyone who searches the web looking for privacy-enhancing apps is sure to be targeted by the NSA. In fact, if you tend to read a lot of tech stories, you’re probably already on the list. So how can you keep the big brother from learning too much about your real story?… Continue reading Dancing for the NSA [COMIC]

Intricate Paper Architecture Sculptures That Depict Urban Density and Conformity

As the population of the world grows and our cities become ever more crowded, the individual differences between us risk being lost. In a unique exploration of urban density, Japanese artist Katsumi Hayakawa builds extremely detailed and intricate cities that, constructed of paper cutouts, seem to even float. At first glance each highrise in these… Continue reading Intricate Paper Architecture Sculptures That Depict Urban Density and Conformity