Tweet for Music Now, Receive Tickets to the Grammys Later

Grammy Awards
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Grammy Awards

Social media channels have been buzzing about the winners, fashion and celebs at this year’s Golden Globes awards. And it looks like some companies are already beginning to prepare for this year’s next big awards show, the 2014 Grammy Awards coming up on Sunday.

JBL, the company known for, well, speakers and headphones, launched a well-timed digital marketing campaign just in time for the 56th annual Grammys called JBL Tweet Music. Participating in the campaign enters you into a sweepstakes to win two tickets to the 2015 Grammys.

To participate, tweet as normal, then add in the hashtag #JBLTweetMusic or #JBLGrammys along with JBL’s Twitter handle @JBLAudio. In a minute or so you’ll receive a reply to your tweet that includes the link to a song that was composed from the text of your tweet. Sounds easy enough.

Here are the results of my tweet:

Not bad, although I don’t think any of these aural tweets will be winning any Grammys themselves. Which brings us to the sweepstakes, with which JBL could have done a better job. The sweepstakes details are buried, and the timing is less than ideal. In spite of being launched to capitalize on the social media firestorm that will most likely result from this year’s Grammys, the tickets up for grabs are for next year’s Grammy Awards. Also, while other sweepstakes prizes are being given out on a weekly basis, the 2015 Grammy tickets are only up for grabs February 3 – 10, a full week after this year’s Grammys are aired. Are people still going to be tweeting about the Grammys one or two weeks after they end?

Even if you do not win the tickets and the chance to see the red carpet in person, you may still get a kick out of creating these little digital music samples. But the biggest winner in the end will be JBL Audio, which will undoubtedly grow their social media audience considerably during this innovative campaign.

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Rishona Campbell

By Rishona Campbell

Rishona has been blogging since the '90s and is now a social media evangelist. She has an MBA in Marketing has the daily goal to leave the world a little better place than how she found it.