The DashBurst Blog

Still Planning Your Holiday Feast? Take Saveur’s Thanksgiving Menu Generator for a Spin

Having trouble finalizing your Thanksgiving dinner menu? Saveur, the magazine for foodies, has launched an online game that makes planning your Turkey Day feast a lot like playing a slot machine (except playing Saveur’s slot machine doesn’t cost you any hard-earned quarters). Each time you “spin” the menu generator, Saveur suggests a randomized combination of recipes for preparing your holiday turkey, vegetables, starch, desert and drink.

From sage brined turkey and cheddar cheese biscuits to bourbon pineapple sweet potato casserole and pumpkin cheesecake, Saveur’s Thanksgiving Menu Generator will inspire your dinner with edible creations you never would have imagined along with twists on modern classics.

Beyond its serious hunger-inducing qualities, the Thanksgiving Menu Generator should be applauded for the way it allows readers to engage with Saveur’s content. Normally foodie sites do little more than provide you recipe lists that make you hungry, but with this menu randomizer Saveur is inviting readers to interact with its site in new ways, suggesting that people take Thanksgiving into their own hands and and pick and choose from Saveur’s recipes as they please.

Are you ready to generate your Thanksgiving dinner?

via Co.Design by Fast Company