Dollar Bill Artist Talks the True Meaning of Money [VIDEO]

When we first featured the work of collage artist Mark Wagner, we were tickled by the whimsical scenes he created using only cut-up dollar bills. Since then Wagner’s remained on our radar, so I was rather pleased to watch this recent video interview with the artist published by the Avant/Garde Diaries. I don’t know which… Continue reading Dollar Bill Artist Talks the True Meaning of Money [VIDEO]

10 Strange ‘Currency Collages’ Made Out of Dollar Bills

What would you do with some extra cash? Most people either look to save it or spend it, but artist Mark Wagner actually drops his dough into humorous Currency Collages of presidential characters, animals and landscapes. After getting a look at this expensive collection, you could make an assumption the artist has a thing for… Continue reading 10 Strange ‘Currency Collages’ Made Out of Dollar Bills

Bitcoin 101: The Digital Currency Revolution [INFOGRAPHIC]

In the digital age, just about everything has gone digital, and that includes currency. If you’ve dismissed the concept of a digital currency as the stuff of a few radical tech geeks, it’s high time you became familiar with a currency that is leaving the dollar, yen, and euro in its exponentially increasing digital dust.