Valentines For The True Loves of Your Life

When it comes to “True Love” this Valentine’s Day, will you be experiencing the real thing or watching it via Netflix? Either way don’t worry, if your love connections this holiday aren’t as strong as your incoming wi-fi signal, we have a set of perhaps more appropriate Valentine’s Day cards that you just can’t find… Continue reading Valentines For The True Loves of Your Life

The Day the Internet Supposedly Fought Back

Yesterday was going to be the Day We Fight Back against the online data governments are collecting on us. Modeled after the successful Stop Online Privacy Act protests a few years back, the campaign urged us to call or email our representatives in Congress. The Day We Fight Back also encouraged webmasters to add action… Continue reading The Day the Internet Supposedly Fought Back

What if the Olympics Hosted a Hide-and-Go-Seek Competition?

Just like with the Olympics, we humans are fascinated by games of skill and mystery. And if you’ve noticed over the years, the Olympic Committee is always up for introducing popular new sports as long as they are played throughout several countries. And there really may be no game more universal then hide-and-go-seek. Who do… Continue reading What if the Olympics Hosted a Hide-and-Go-Seek Competition?

Passing of the Torch at Microsoft

As Microsoft looks to usher in a new era of innovation, former CEO Steve Ballmer hands off the keys to the vehicle to insider Satya Nadella. While Nadella is said to be a great driver of technolgy, you have to wonder what kind of mechanical repair skills he has too? Comic by The Joy of… Continue reading Passing of the Torch at Microsoft

The Climate Change Winter Games

With the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics starting on Friday, there is much to be excited about. Some of the hot topics this year include why it’s so hot or cold out (climate change, that is) along with the issue of gay rights in Russia. In response, we’ve seen a number of brand new games introduced… Continue reading The Climate Change Winter Games

Zuckerberg and Facebook’s 10th Anniversary Dinner Celebration [COMIC]

After ten years it’s nice to see that Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook are still so passionate for each other. I guess given the amount of paper he’s made over the years, Zuckerberg can always afford to come up with a few shiny trinkets and exotic cuisines he can use to wine and dine his longtime… Continue reading Zuckerberg and Facebook’s 10th Anniversary Dinner Celebration [COMIC]

The Math Behind Social Networks [COMIC]

Have you ever been on Google+ and felt like it was just like Facebook but minus your friends? It turns out there are some simple mathematical equations you can use to calculate any social network. Take Instagram for example, which equates to Flickr + food. Or how Quora is like Yahoo Answers by people with… Continue reading The Math Behind Social Networks [COMIC]