The Best Pranks of April Fool’s Day 2014

From shrink-wrapped cars to Pokémon wandering around Google Maps to balloons in surprising places, April Fool’s Day pranks can range from hilarious to just plain annoying. Take the woman who pranked her colleagues with a memo about brownies, for example, only to deliver a pan of brown e‘s to the office. If that’s not torture,… Continue reading The Best Pranks of April Fool’s Day 2014

Microsoft Introduces The SEO Tag: Empowering Webmasters To Rank Better

Search Engines look to rank good content well in hopes that the businesses producing valuable information receive the most traffic. However, since the beginning of search engines, SEOs have sought to decipher their underlying algorithms, some even abusing the system in an effort to get their content to rank higher. For decades, search engines like… Continue reading Microsoft Introduces The SEO Tag: Empowering Webmasters To Rank Better

Twitter Now Costs You $5 A Month To Tweet Vowels And Announces Free ‘Twttr’ Service

Twitter has just just announced they are shifting to a two-tiered social networking service! Everyone can still use its basic service for free, the new Twtrr, only making use of consonants though. And for $5 dollars a month, you can continue to use the premium “Twitter” service as you know it which also includes vowels.… Continue reading Twitter Now Costs You $5 A Month To Tweet Vowels And Announces Free ‘Twttr’ Service