Take a Look at ‘The City Under the City,’ the Insanely Good New Album by L’Orange & Stik Figa

Many purists believe hip hop is dead, that the new music being produced today does not live up to the standards of its forefathers including Grandmaster Flash and The Sugar Hill Gang followed by acts like Rakim, A Tribe Called Quest and De La Soul. And even though urban legends like Jay-Z are still putting… Continue reading Take a Look at ‘The City Under the City,’ the Insanely Good New Album by L’Orange & Stik Figa

Listen: Arctic Monkeys’ New Album Hits iTunes Streams One Week Before Release

You can now stream Arctic Monkeys’ new record, AM, in full on iTunes, almost one week before it drops on September 10th! The recording was put together in Los Angeles and Joshua Tree, California, following a massive tour with the Black Keys and a performance at the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. You… Continue reading Listen: Arctic Monkeys’ New Album Hits iTunes Streams One Week Before Release

Pink Floyd ‘Wishes You Were Here’ 1 Million Times to Unlock Music Catalog on Spotify

There are those who feel classic rock should remain a relic accessed only in its original format (i.e.. on vintage records lying on music store shelves) and not through modern means such as streaming services like Spotify. Pink Floyd happens to be one of classic rock’s greatest bands yet they wish you were still back there,… Continue reading Pink Floyd ‘Wishes You Were Here’ 1 Million Times to Unlock Music Catalog on Spotify