The DashBurst Blog

How Supporting Arts and Cultural Organizations Makes a Huge Impact

Did you know that art in America was more popular than major league baseball? Arts and culture organizations get visited by 850 million people and generate $135 billion worth of commerce in the Unites States each year. Every city and town has its own unique set of popular art and culture, though, making that often a huge source of tourist income for local economies. Visitors to local cultural organizations often spend $25 extra per person beyond the cost of admission.

Not only is fine art awesome to look at, the act of creating something can actually be therapeutic and half of the nation’s healthcare providers have art programs to help people people recover from various different ailments. The bottom line is that a higher concentration of creativity and culture in our society leads to higher civic engagement, more social cohesion and lower healthcare and poverty rates.

Why should you support your local art communities and your own creativity?

Infographic by Blackbaud