The DashBurst Blog

Socialoomph Adds New Feature to Help You Find Interesting Twitter Accounts

Do you spend a lot of time searching for interesting people to follow on Twitter? Today, Socialoomph added a highly requested feature to mimic following to help you easily find quality new Twitter accounts to follow.

With the mimic following feature, you enter the usernames of a few Twitter users of your choice. Socialoomph then analyzes those users’ following lists (as in the people those users follow) and creates a composite list of the users’ followers. You can find this list in the Vet Followers/Friends area, where you can decide which users you’d like to follow.

Socialoomph recently had to kill a few features due to changes in the Twitter API that prohibited automatic and bulk following. If this were not the case, Socialoomph’s new feature may have included automatic following. As is, though, nothing prevents you from using this new tool to manually find new people to follow. You should, however, be careful not to follow too many users in the same day; Twitter seems to be cracking down on follow abuse and spammers. To avoid any trouble with Twitter, you should avoid following more than about 30 people in one sitting.

While being able to take advantage of a new Twitter management tool is certainly convenient, these days you should be wary of using any follower app excessively!

Do you use Socialoomph or another Twitter management tool to maintain a solid list of users to follow?