The DashBurst Blog

2 Out of 10 Young Adults Admit to Using Their Smartphones During Sex

This just out: A cool 20% of adults ages 18-34 admit to using their smartphones during sex. It appears smartphone addiction has reached a new high. According to the same study, approximately 9% of American adults admitted to using a cellphone during that most intimate of moments.

To what important ends, you ask? Well, the 2013 Mobile Consumer Habits study didn’t ask, so DashBurst hit a few local colleges to find out. The results:

31% – Text their Exes
22% – Snap Selfies
17% – Use a Metronome App
10% – Order Take-Out
8% – Return Dad’s Call
6% – Set it to Vibrate
5% – Play (and sing along to) “Girl I Want to Make You Sweat”
1% – Play “Thriller” on Repeat

So, not surprisingly, 12% also admit their constant phone checking is a problem! 72% actually keep their smartphones within five feet the majority of the time. Where else are U.S. adults using their cellphones?

So fess up: have you ever used your cellphone during an intimate moment? To do what?