Millions of businesses use LinkedIn Company Pages to share content and highlight products and opportunities. Following these Pages has become a great way for users to keep up with their favorite brands. The problem, however, is that while many companies provide a variety of products and services, you might only be interested in one or a few of them. How could you tell DashBurst, for example, that you are particularly interested in social media, technology or design, but not comics?
Starting today, LinkedIn is allowing companies to create Showcase Pages, to update streams which can be individually followed by users.
Showcase Pages are dedicated to highlight different aspects of a business and to further strengthen relationships with the right community. Interacting with these pages is easy. Just click the Follow button to start receiving updates in your feed. If you are a company administrator, you can identify which areas of your business need to be showcased and then easily create a Showcase Page through the Edit menu.
While the new showcase feature could be useful for larger companies, LinkedIn has to step up support for company Pages in order for Showcase Pages to work. Right now our company Page on LinkedIn has about as much engagement as the obituary page in the newspaper. See, the LinkedIn sharing button on most blogs (on our site, located to the left of the article) doesn’t allow you to post to your company Page, but rather just your personal profile or affiliated groups. So without any easy way to share onto your company Page short of physically opening it up and copying and pasting a link onto it, company pages are pretty much useless with very little engagement compared to other social media profiles. To think that admins will now also go to their vacant company Pages to manually post to these Showcase Pages too is pretty laughable.
According to LinkedIn, the feature is rolling out globally for everyone in the next few days, so we’ll have to wait and see if the feature catches on.
You can follow DashBurst’s company Page here: