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LinkedIn Streamlines Recruitment Process with New CheckIn App

Welcome to the modern paradigm: a recruiter spends a day meeting tens, even hundreds of job seekers. At the end of the day the recruiter, voice almost obliterated after a marathon of speaking about his company, lugs a stack of resumes to his hotel room. Though he is both mentally and physically exhausted from his day spent recruiting, he now starts his second job of the day: trying to match black-and-white resumes with the candidates he met throughout the day. And, boy, is this job daunting.

To streamline the recruiting process LinkedIn has developed a mobile app recruiters can use to manage candidate information during events. The app efficiently connects candidates’ personal profiles with their career interests, meaning the time recruiters used to spend trying to track candidates can now be spent forming strong connections with potential employees.

How the App Works

When candidates approach a recruiter’s booth they will visit the company’s welcome screen and “check in,” entering their name and email address to connect the app with their LinkedIn profile. Next the candidate will select their areas of interest, curated by the recruiter.

Using CheckIn is simple for the recruiter, too. The app is set up in three steps:

  1. Customize the Welcome Screen: Customize your company’s CheckIn process by adding text, choosing a theme color, and adding your logo to the welcome screen. You can also customize the closing message and the areas of interest page according to your hiring needs.
  2. Manage Candidates: Organize candidates by event location and project folder. The app is also capable of applying a bulk-tag to candidates.
  3. Contact Candidates: You can send an automatic follow-up email to all candidates after an event or send tailored emails to top candidates.

The best part of CheckIn? It lets you track results so you can calculate your ROI on events, great for making informed decisions at budget time.

Perfect for Recruiting Students and Recent Grads

Students and recent college graduates are the fastest growing demographic on LinkedIn and it’s no wonder they are flocking to the network in search of job opportunities. Currently students and recent grads comprise more than 30 million of LinkedIn’s over 225 million members. CheckIn is designed to appeal to the wired culture of this generation.

“Today’s college students are social, collaborative, and networked 24/7,” said Maureen Buehler, Autodesk’s senior manager of Global University Programs. “CheckIn lets us interact with students on their terms. We can easily collect their professional information and instantaneously send them a customized email with links to our websites, career portal and cool videos showcasing our culture and products.”

Other Uses for CheckIn

CheckIn can also be an indispensable tool for facilitating mobility within companies. One user, Westpac Group Talent Brand Manager Karla Palecek, has used the app to help employees advance their careers. “Prior to CheckIn, it was difficult to connect employees to the types of career-advancement opportunities that most interested them,” Palecek said. They hosted internal events to connect employees with career advancements. “Using CheckIn, we’ve further mobilized our internal Talent Pipeline – making it much easier for us to identify where employees are in their careers and which opportunities interest them most.”

CheckIn will be available to all users in July. If you’re interested in being among the first to try CheckIn, visit here.