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Imgur Launches New Android App to Discover and Share Images on the Go

Can’t get enough memes and cats while at home browsing the web? Here’s good news for you: Imgur has just released a new Android app to make browsing viral images possible while on the go.

Redditors are likely familiar with Imgur, an image hosting site that, to put it simply, serves as a default source of most of Reddit’s images. Imgur displays the most viral images of the day from across the Web (think Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, the blogosphere, and beyond) in a grid. Lately, however, Imgur has been making strides toward becoming more social by adding voting and commenting to its image pages. Now, Imgur extends these capabilities to Android users in its new Android app. Using the app, you can scroll through an endless stream of amazing, hysterical, and sometimes mildly disturbing images viral on social media.


Using the Imgur App

When using the app, you’ll have access beyond simply the most popular images of the day; you can also browse pictures at random and browse individual subreddits. Here’s a screenshot of what r/ExposurePorn looks like, in case you’re a fan of long exposure photography like me:

The app enables you to share any image you find using the normal Android sharing options. This makes it easy to share new pictures with friends. You can also use the camera on your mobile device to take photos and upload them directly to Imgur.

Moving to mobile was a much-needed expansion for the company. Mobile views of Imgur’s Web interface are on the rise, Imgur CEO Alan Schaaf said in a press release. In fact, mobile traffic made up 30% of the traffic on the site in early 2013, compared to just 7% in 2011. Schaaf said,

“The decision to build and release our own app was due to a substantial increase in mobile browser usage over time. We’re trying to develop a closer, more intimate relationship with our users and we think people’s phones are the best way to reach out and do that.”

There is no iOS version at the current moment, but you can check out the Imgur app on Google Play.