The DashBurst Blog

IFTTT Brings Twitter Triggers Back!

Do you use IFTTT to be more productive on the Web? After Twitter changed its API and best practices, IFTTT could no longer support its old set of Twitter Triggers. Starting today, however, Twitter Triggers are back on IFTTT! You can create Triggers based on your new tweets, favorites, hashtags used and links sent.

Now you can once again create powerful Recipes triggered by tweets.

Here are some awesome Recipes you can try out:

New tweet by you

New tweet by you with hashtag

New link by you

New favorite tweet by you

IFTTT wrote on its Tumblr,

The enthusiasm around these Triggers from the team at Twitter has been especially encouraging. This is only the beginning!”

Unlike with Twitter’s former Triggers, however, it seems like the new set does not support tweets from other users as Triggers. In other words, you are now free to automate actions based on your own tweets, but you still can’t use IFTTT to retweet others or trigger actions such as  posting to your blog, Facebook, or Tumblr, as was originally allowed on IFTTT. This makes sense given that Twitter is making a push to remove spam from its network. One of Twitter’s recent efforts to remove spam involves removing robot followers and noise-makers from the system.

With this update, IFTTT and Twitter users can rejoice. Twitter will no longer penalize IFTTT users for finding productive ways to use their own tweets while maintaining their quest to promote more meaningful communication on Twitter itself.

Can you see yourself using any IFTTT recipes for Twitter?