The DashBurst Blog

Well, This is Awkward: Facebook Now Lets You Ask about People’s Relationship Status

We know the art of asking someone out has disintegrated from in-person to over the phone call, from SMS messages to private messages on social networks. But did we ever think where social networks would facilitate the process of asking someone out with one click of the mouse? Facebook has now made asking someone out as simple, and as awkward, as a tap of the finger with its new “ask” button for relationship statuses.

Clicking on the “ask” button allows people to quickly and easily inquire about someone’s unlisted relationship status on Facebook. Once clicked, a private message appears where you can leave a note as to why you’re inquiring about the relationships status. The person being asked can choose to share his or her response with just the person who asked, with only friends or with the public.

The “ask” feature was first introduced to Facebook for other parts of the “about” section including occupation, phone number and hometown. While this feature may be a good way for relatives or friends to reach out and get an update on someone’s life, it also facilitates a lot of Facebook stalking. Now with the ability to ask someone about their relationship status, the feature gets even more personal – and creepy.

Perhaps the “ask” button will create some love connections, but there is also a good chance that “asking” about someone’s relationship status may just be the next way people make awkward and somewhat creepy advances.

Featured image by Chris Lewis
via The Telegraph