The DashBurst Blog

Energize the Fight Against Extreme Poverty #Changethegame

Did you know that in sub-Saharan Africa seven out of 10 people don’t have access to electricity? This hampers efforts like Project Loon, which looks to bring balloon-powered internet access to remote areas. Bringing internet to sub-Saharan Africa, though, will not help if lack of electricity keeps people from being able to so much as turn on their devices! Thankfully, a bipartisan bill has been introduced in the House that could bring electricity to 50 million Africans for the first time.

For us in the States it might be hard to understand the gravity of the energy problem in sub-Saharan Africa, considering we contribute to 50% of the world’s waste. We’re so wasteful that our average Sunday pastime, football, generates more electricity than the entire country of Liberia. The thing is, Liberia has about 4 million inhabitants while the Cowboys stadium seats roughly 80,000 people!

It’s time to take action. How can we enjoy another game here while mothers in sub-Saharan Africa have no choice but to give birth in the dark and families have no basic way to refrigerate and store food?

You can act now by signing the ONE energy poverty petition to Congress to support bringing access to electricity to Africa. ONE hopes this measure will help the world stay on track to end extreme poverty by the year 2030! As of the writing of this article, the petition has reached 94% of the 100,000 signatures it set out for. Will you help One reach 100%?
via uproxx