Should You Buy This Person a Christmas Present? [FLOWCHART]

Have you done all your holiday shopping? When it comes to this time of the year, the hardest part isn’t even coming up with what to buy people but rather trying to figure out who you need to get a present for in the first place. Now with the advent of social media we virtually have more friends than ever, making this an increasingly difficult choice each year. First off, are they getting you a gift? No, not one of those cheap gifts or baked goods, but a real gift! And if you’re not sure, next you should ask yourself do you genuinely like this human being, or even a more fundamental question like, “who is this person?”

Whether it’s a friend, foe, family member, coworker or all of the above, this will guide you through your Christmas shopping:

christmas gift

Flowchart by College Humor

Daniel Zeevi

By Daniel Zeevi

Daniel is a social network architect, web developer, infographic designer, writer, speaker and founder of DashBurst. Full-time futurist and part-time content curator, always on the hunt for disruptive new technology, creative art and web humor.