Google Brings Instant Access to Your Flight Info, Reservations, Package Deliveries and More to Search

Have you ever almost missed a flight because you spent so much time riffling through your emails in search of your flight information just moments before takeoff? Or what about tracking a package: how hard is it to look up the tracking information? Worry no more. Now, simply ask Google Search and Google will scan your… Continue reading Google Brings Instant Access to Your Flight Info, Reservations, Package Deliveries and More to Search

Flying in Style: Is It Cool to Paint Your Twitter Handle on the Side of Your Plane?

It’s common now to find Twitter handles on business cards, pamphlets, and TV commercials. But has the time already come to start seeing them on airplanes, too? Yesterday Aer Lingus, Ireland’s oldest existing airline and the country’s second-largest after Ryanair, tweeted a picture of its freshly painted “social jet”: We love our @twitter handle so… Continue reading Flying in Style: Is It Cool to Paint Your Twitter Handle on the Side of Your Plane?

Watch Live as Scientists Dive Deep into the Waters off the Northeast US Coast

The ocean is 95% unexplored, mostly unseen by human eyes. This unknown nature of the ocean presents a huge challenge for resource managers, who cannot direct resources they are unfamiliar with. To help resource managers better understand the ocean and protect its resources, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has developed a systematic program… Continue reading Watch Live as Scientists Dive Deep into the Waters off the Northeast US Coast

Modern-Day Pangaea: Who Would Be Neighbors if the World Reverted to One Supercontinent?

Can you imagine a world where you could drive from Washington, D.C., to Abuja, the capital of Nigeria? Italian artist “Massimo” can. He illustrated what the world would look like if the continents reverted to Pangaea, the ancient supercontinent that broke apart to form the continents we know today. Incorporating today’s political borders, the map… Continue reading Modern-Day Pangaea: Who Would Be Neighbors if the World Reverted to One Supercontinent?

Time is a Dimension: Artist Captures Passage of Time Through Layered Photography

Time is always present, yet it’s impossible to actually see. Time is a hidden dimension that photographer Fong Qi Wei looks to creatively capture in a single 4D-image by stacking layers of photo strips taken from the same location over a 2 to 4 hour timespan. The effect itself will make you feel like you’re… Continue reading Time is a Dimension: Artist Captures Passage of Time Through Layered Photography

Colorful Reinterpretations of Smeared Scottish Landscapes [VIDEO]

Inspired by the cloudy Scottish landscape, Glasgow-based artist Scott Naismith draws colorful interpretations of the skies, land, and sea surrounding him. He makes use of various palettes, knives, and multiple-sized brushes to carve out his love for his native countryside with brilliant streaks of color. Much of his time is spent traveling the area’s many… Continue reading Colorful Reinterpretations of Smeared Scottish Landscapes [VIDEO]

Meet the New Managing Editor of DashBurst [Successful Internship Case Study]

Several months ago we were looking to find a full-time writer and editor for our magazine. But as any entrepreneur or startup business owner would know, small businesses can ill afford to make poor hiring decisions with finances always tight. So we put out a flier on a writing internship, that was more like a… Continue reading Meet the New Managing Editor of DashBurst [Successful Internship Case Study]

10 Best Cities to Find a New Job

Are you looking for a new job? It may be useful to know which cities have the most opportunities in the US. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and internet job aggregator, U.S. News & World Report has put together a list of the 10 best cities where potential job-seekers might have the… Continue reading 10 Best Cities to Find a New Job