How To Turn Your Website’s Google Analytics Report Into An Infographic

Have you ever tried to make quick sense of your website’s Google Analytics report? Google Analytics is a great tool that provides a wealth of information about your website’s traffic and engagement, but the dashboard style display of key metrics can be a little much to take in and meaningfully process. Yet more than 10… Continue reading How To Turn Your Website’s Google Analytics Report Into An Infographic

FACEBOOK SXSW REPORT: More Than 1 Billion App Activities Shared Daily

Facebook announced at SXSW that more than 1 billion instances of application activity are now shared daily on Facebook. Also, more than 400 billion Open Graph actions have been shared back to Facebook as of this month. Facebook defines this open graph activity as high-level “interactions” users can perform within your app (commonly follow, like,… Continue reading FACEBOOK SXSW REPORT: More Than 1 Billion App Activities Shared Daily

REPORT: LinkedIn Announces 1 Billion Skills and Expertise Endorsements Given

Are you one of the 58 million professionals that have been recognized on LinkedIn for their exceptional skills and expertise? Recently LinkedIn introduced skill Endorsements, which are a great way to help build your professional brand and areas of expertise. It’s also an effective means to recognize the strengths of your colleagues and peers who… Continue reading REPORT: LinkedIn Announces 1 Billion Skills and Expertise Endorsements Given

REPORT: It’s an Android World

There is no denying that Android, Google’s operating system for mobile smartphones is huge, but did you realize that it represented 65% of all the smartphones sold in 2012? In fact, the Android OS powers 42% of all consumer computer devices! A new report by Pingdom shows just how enormous Android really is. Smartphone web… Continue reading REPORT: It’s an Android World

STUDY: When is the Best Time to Publish a Blog Post?

After you’ve written an article you may have the urge to publish it right there on the spot and share your new masterpiece with the world. Should you post it immediately or is there a more optimal time of doing so? Well studies show that audiences are much more likely to read and comment on… Continue reading STUDY: When is the Best Time to Publish a Blog Post?