Top 100 Most Popular People on Twitter [STATS]

Ever wonder who the most popular people are on Twitter? Luckily Twitter Counter recently released stats showing who has the most followers, so we can see exactly who the most popular Twitter users are along with who follows the most people on Twitter and who’s tweeted the most. With the most followers, Katy Perry unsurprisingly… Continue reading Top 100 Most Popular People on Twitter [STATS]

Would President Obama Make Out With Justin Bieber to Promote SNL Thinks So

The deadline to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act is Monday, March 31. To encourage as many people to sign up as possible, President Obama has been reaching out to the American public, particularly younger generations, by appearing on popular programs and by developing a larger online presence. Earlier this month… Continue reading Would President Obama Make Out With Justin Bieber to Promote SNL Thinks So

Over 100,000 People Sign Petition to Deport Justin Bieber as Norton Issues Anti-Virus Alert

Has your computer caught some kind of bug recently? No, not the kind that Norton can detect, but rather an infusion of songs and articles about Justin Bieber across your internet feeds. While Norton has issued a stern warning to avoid downloading Justin’s latest single, there is only so much the anti-virus company can do… Continue reading Over 100,000 People Sign Petition to Deport Justin Bieber as Norton Issues Anti-Virus Alert