Earlier this month, Google announced that Search was getting smarter on desktops and mobile, including Search’s ability to answer your spoken questions. Now Google’s announced a helpful new Search tool that will help you make informed decisions about some of your favorite foods. Are you considering eating a tomato but are not sure how many… Continue reading Google Search Now Helps You Make Smarter Decisions About Your Food
Tag: Health
Health and well-being news.
5 Coolest Technologies Invented by High Schoolers
Last week Intel hosted their International Science and Engineering Fair in Phoenix. There, 1,600 students from around the world were invited to present their award-winning projects and compete for over $4 million in awards and scholarships. Here are some of the coolest new technologies invented by these stellar high schoolers.
7 Important Rules For Freelancers To Live By
Are you a freelancer? Do you have a certain code of conduct or daily ritual that enables you to be successful? Here are seven hardcore principles that freelancers and entrepreneurs can rely upon: via incidentalcomics 1. Surround Yourself With Inspiration Inspiration comes in many forms. But the key is to identify its sources and visit… Continue reading 7 Important Rules For Freelancers To Live By
5 Tips to a More Productive Day
Tools, tips, tricks to productivity, everyone is always looking for an edge to get more done. A quick internet search will yield a range of results. You can try a unconventional sleep schedule in hopes of gaining an extra 8 hours in your week or even the greatest new app to help you accomplish more… Continue reading 5 Tips to a More Productive Day