Spectacular Light Sculpture Justifies the Existence of Space, Time and Dubstep

Tesseract, aka the HYPER Cube, is an amazing light sculpture that reacts to sound. The installation encourages visitors to walk straight into the heart of the structure, or cube within the cube, to trigger the dazzling light show surrounding them to “evoke a future world,” encouraged the designers. Developed by the light masters at 1024… Continue reading Spectacular Light Sculpture Justifies the Existence of Space, Time and Dubstep

What You Didn’t See at the Zoo: Captive Animals Stare Back in Resignation

You might not have noticed the animals’ misery during your visit to the zoo. Yet you must have seen it because photographer Gaston Lacombe took these photos standing outside the enclosures just like any other visitor. Was your last zoo visit a great day with popcorn and a sea lion feeding? Gaston’s photos capture something… Continue reading What You Didn’t See at the Zoo: Captive Animals Stare Back in Resignation

Turning Discomfort Into Art: How This Photographer and Her Harassers Become Friendly Acquintances

When Hannah Price moved to Philadelphia, the street harassment threw her off guard. A photographer who grew up in suburban Colorado, she was unprepared for one of the many cities where men regularly catcall and proposition women walking alone on the streets. Initially angered, Hannah used photography to turn the unpleasant experience of being harassed… Continue reading Turning Discomfort Into Art: How This Photographer and Her Harassers Become Friendly Acquintances

Living the Fast Life: Smeared Paintings that Depict Speeding through NYC

Paying homage to the city that never sleeps, artist Alexandra Pacula creates oil paintings that depict the constant state of motion in New York City. Her veloCity exhibition on display at the Mighty Tanaka gallery in Brooklyn features beautiful landscapes and architecture blurred by the sparkling lights buzzing through the city. Here’s the gallery’s description… Continue reading Living the Fast Life: Smeared Paintings that Depict Speeding through NYC

Broken Bells Presents: What’s It Like After the Disco?

Do you remember what it feels like “After the Disco?” Or let me rephrase that: if you could remember anything about what you did after hitting the club, it would probably look something like this video by the Broken Bells and directed by Jacob Gentry in conjunction with the Creators Project. Basically you arrive at… Continue reading Broken Bells Presents: What’s It Like After the Disco?

Adobe Offering Special Photoshop Bundle for $9.99/Month for Everyone

It seems Adobe is willing to bring its prices lower and lower to increase subscriptions as fast as possible. The company is opening up a discount Photoshop CC subscription previously available only to existing Photoshop owners to everyone. The catch? Users must sign up within the next week and a half. Back in September Adobe… Continue reading Adobe Offering Special Photoshop Bundle for $9.99/Month for Everyone

Digital Collages That Make You Look at the World from a Vintage Perspective

Joseba Elorza is a Spanish-based sound technician who makes a living with illustrations or, as he says, through “pure synesthesia.” His collages of digital imagery and sound also have a very vintage feel, but surely aren’t like anything you’ve ever heard or seen before! Elorza’s photomontages look to take you on a journey exploring everything… Continue reading Digital Collages That Make You Look at the World from a Vintage Perspective

Human Tetris: Body Sculptures that Fit into Urban Spaces

If you look around most cities you can often see the younger inhabitants lounging around in assorted sweatpants and hoodies. These Bodies in Urban Spaces “sculptures,” however, look to take hanging out with friends to epic new levels. You can find these human sculptures popping up like Tetris blocks everywhere from Paris, Vienna, Seoul, Montreal… Continue reading Human Tetris: Body Sculptures that Fit into Urban Spaces