Quirky Hand Drawn Animations That Will Take You for a Spin

The first live-action animation was created back in 1915 by Mark Fleischer who filmed traces frame by frame then with a hand drawn reel. The technique known as rotoscoping actually lives on today and is being payed homage to through the art of designers like Matthias Brown. The effect is oddly fresh and vintage-like at… Continue reading Quirky Hand Drawn Animations That Will Take You for a Spin

Meet Re.mu the Style Sharing Network from Plurk’s Founder

Are you looking to be a little more fashionable in 2014? Re.mu is a new social network for style lovers who would rather browse through Thrift stores and Etsy than buy high-end boutique designer clothes. The site was developed by Alvin Woon, the founder of Plurk a microblogging service similar to Twitter that’s big in… Continue reading Meet Re.mu the Style Sharing Network from Plurk’s Founder

Paintless Scenic Landscapes Projected Out of Light and Shadow

If you happen to be seeing a colorful hazy landscape on the blank wall above, you’re not actually dreaming, but rather looking at the imaginative projection art of Rashad Alakbarov. Based out of Azerbaijan, Rashad experiments with different materials and backgrounds to turn 3-D objects into creative 2-D displays of amazing city scenes, landscapes, portraits… Continue reading Paintless Scenic Landscapes Projected Out of Light and Shadow

Best City and Architecture Photos from 2013

Architecture represents a true intersection between photography and design for creatives. Today photographers have more tools than ever in 2013 to take pictures as they were meant to be seen and its allowed some of your all time favorite cities and buildings a whole new visual life! Check out the best city and architecture photos… Continue reading Best City and Architecture Photos from 2013

22 Irresistably Clever Vine Video Animations by Brock Davis

Brock Davis is a creative artist, photographer and director who works in a variety of mixed mediums. His ideas are often spontaneous, funny and always clever whether he’s building a paper plane that flies itself our your window or helping a choking peach live to grow more fuzz. Brock, a Cannes Lion industry award winner,… Continue reading 22 Irresistably Clever Vine Video Animations by Brock Davis

The Most Powerful Reuters Pictures of 2013 [VIDEO]

2013 was a year for new beginnings, artistic inspiration and heartbreak. No matter what happened in the world, though, there always seemed to be a Reuters reporter and photographer on scene to tell the story as they have been for the last 160 years. As we welcome a new year with celebration and say goodbye… Continue reading The Most Powerful Reuters Pictures of 2013 [VIDEO]

Your Favorite Characters from the 80s Turned into LEGO

What if you took your all your favorite characters and films from the 80’s, like Andre the Giant and Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride and turned them all into LEGO? Imagine taking the day off with Ferris Bueller and the gang or kicking it with the Karate Kid in animated style? “Inconceivable” you say?… Continue reading Your Favorite Characters from the 80s Turned into LEGO