A few months ago Snapchat introduced a Stories feature to let your Snaps or posts live on for 24 hours. Today the Little Snapper wants your posts to live forever by printing out your incoming messages. The contraption breaches the Snapchat API to display these posts and uses Berg’s Little Printer, a mini thermal printing device that can be set up to print out other social network updates too.
Little Snapper
The Little Snapper was invented by UK-based designer Wesley Hill, better known as Hako, who was able to hack the Snapchat API (like many other documented cases of hackers and security firms recently). The Little Snapper requires your login information to get started and then holds incoming images for 45 seconds before printing out the pictures in black and white, then deleting the message.
While Snapchat vows to prevent any future attempts to abuse its API, perhaps some people would want their supposedly ephemeral Snaps to take on a more permanent role in their lives by having them printed.
Would you like to hold onto any of your Snaps forever?