The DashBurst Blog Reaches 2.5 Million People on Its 1st Day: What Issues Do American’s Care About Most?

With the new Affordable Healthcare Act in place, how are you going to be covered? Many Americans are wondering this and have taken to the Health Insurance Marketplace, which opened on October 1, to find out. The Health Insurance Marketplace is an online shopping center to find the best coverage for you. According to a report by comScore, traffic to spiked 1,000% with 2.5 million people visiting the site its first day!

So what are people looking at most? comScore collected key site usage statistics on the site’s opening day that reveal the several health insurance issues most important to Americans:

These strong numbers indicate the high demand among citizens to learn more about and take ownership of their healthcare options. Other interesting visitation patterns on the website showed the top FAQ pages and glossary terms people looked into, which included co-payments and deductibles.

While it might be too early to draw any conclusions about the effectiveness of the Marketplace overall, these trends can help companies understand what issues their employees care about most and take action to learn how to best participate in the new insurance exchange system.

You can learn more about the Health Insurance Marketplace for individuals, families and businesses below.

The Marketplace for Individuals & Families


The Marketplace for Small Businesses

Are you ready to act on your new health care coverage yet?